StarCraft® II is available free to play, with additional single player, co-op, and cosmetic content available for purchase.

Get StarCraft II*

*A Blizzard account is required

Upon account creation, StarCraft II includes the following:

  • The complete Wings of Liberty campaign.
  • Full use of Raynor, Kerrigan, and Artanis Co-Op Commanders, with all others available for free up to level five.
  • Full access to custom games, including all races, AI difficulties, and maps.
  • Unranked multiplayer, with access to Ranked granted after the first 10 wins of the day in Unranked or Versus A.I.

Once you reach level 10 with a Commander, level 15 with a race, or make any purchase, you can also access public chat channels, and join or create Clans and Groups. Making any purchase also grants the ability to publish custom maps.

Note: Online purchases may take up to 24 hours to complete.