
Wrong Item Level Reward from Timewalking Event

更新済み: 2時間前
記事ID: 10566


  • Finished "A Burning Path Through Time" and my treasure chest gave me normal loot.
  • Completed "A Frozen Path Through Time" and the loot cache is not the correct one.
  • I did "A Shattered Path Through Time" and got normal gear instead of heroic.
  • Just turned in "A Shrouded Path Through Time" but it gave me a low ilvl reward.
  • When I handed in "A Savage Path Through Time" it didn't give me the correct item level reward.

There is a separate quest for each Timewalking event. Each of the quests reward a Normal level difficulty equipment Cache from the current raid tier. Only during special events, like Turbulent Timewalking, you can get a Heroic level difficulty equipment Cache.

For more information, visit Wowhead's Guide to Timewalking Holidays and Rewards.

April 2024

We rolled out a fix-up for characters that obtained the wrong item level from their Timewalking dungeon / Raid cache. Affected players have received an in-game mail with the cache replacement.