
Mount Collection Achievement Count Didn't Increase

更新済み: 9ヶ月前
記事ID: 4738


  • Mount collection total didn't increase for Lord of the Reins
  • Didn't get credit for Filling up the Barn
  • Leading the Cavalry is not counting all my mounts

Mount achievements only track mounts that are usable by a single character. If you learn a new mount and your total does not increase, another character on your account can ride more mounts than your current character.

You can update your achievement total by logging on to the character that has access to the most mounts on your account or by learning a new mount on said character. You can find out which one of your characters currently has access to the most mounts. To do so, load a character into the Wowhead Mount Tracker, and scroll down to the achievement icon next to the collected bar. The tooltip will give you the amount for that currently loaded character, and by going through all of your characters, you can find the one you are looking for.

Note: Paladins, Warlocks, Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Engineers, and Tailors typically have access to the most mounts.

Check these individual achievements on Wowhead for more information: