Armory Page not Refreshing or Updating

อัพเดตแล้ว: 1 ปี ก่อน
รหัสบทความ: 10476


  • My armory is not updating with my recent boss kills
  • My achievements haven't updated on the armory for a few years
  • I still can't see my character on the armory


Characters that have not logged into the game for a long time won't show up in the World of Warcraft website.

If you have played recently but your profile displays inaccurate data, you may need to log out and back in:

  1. Enter the world with your character
  2. Stay logged in for at least 10 minutes
  3. Log out and exit the game
  4. Check the Armory again in a different browser

We cannot manually refresh the information on the Armory. If you notice it takes a while for the page to update after trying these steps, please submit a Bug Report.