You can use the Wowhead Profiler to view information about your character's equipment and stats, locate lost pets or mounts, and view your quest and achievement history.

Enter your realm and character name to load your character in the Profiler.

Note: Wowhead Profiler uses data from the World of Warcraft Armory. Your character's information may not be accurate if your Armory hasn't been updated.

After your character loads, you can select a tab to view the details of your character. Refer to the following section for details on each tab.

Equipment Set

This tab shows your character's model; their current gear, including enchants, gems, and transmog; and their relevant stats.


This tab shows your current mount collection. You can filter the collection using the options above the table.

Clicking a mount takes you to the mount's information page on Wowhead where you can view player comments and see where the mount drops.

Battle Pets

Like the Mounts tab, this shows your current collection of battle pets. You can use the available tools to sort, search, and filter your collection.


This tab shows the list of crafting recipes your character knows, broken out by profession. Like the other tabs, there are filters you can use to find specific recipes.


This tab shows completed, and incomplete, quests, broken out by continent. You can click a quest to view its information on Wowhead, including where it starts, if it's part of a chain, and the quest's rewards.

Achievements / Titles / Reputation

These tabs show your characters progress in each category. The achievements, titles, and reputations shown apply only to the character you're viewing, even if the achievement is account-wide.


This tab shows your character's current talent build and a list of the available skills and glyphs for that build. Click the tab to switch between your two specializations.